Pretentiously Developed
Pretentiously Developed
Image Source: EUROFOUND
Why they feel superior, when they are not?
Should’ve made much more with what they’ve got,
False assumption of being the best,
Always superior, feeling better than the rest,
They leave their country, but not their ego,
Complain about food and the mosquito,
Complain about power and services offered,
They don’t contribute anything to world, aren’t at all
Call themselves developed nations citizens,
After killing a hundred thousand indigens,
After exploiting other nations’ people and nature,
They are immune to
world problems, just like a stranger.
If equality was not their virtue in past,
And all they cared was to develop fast,
Now why do they complain about being unfair,
If we want to develop without having to share?
Suddenly all rules apply to developing nations,
And they want to apply all restrictions,
Hypocrisy at its best, these developed countries,
Resource wasting, power hungry junkies!!
We have in our countries the places- tranquil and serene,
We still value mother earth and strive to be green,
But you sell your products and corrupt our youth’s brain,
And then you visit us on holidays and continuously complain!
Nice poem